Salsa Music

When I first started collecting and listening Salsa music I had no idea what, where or how to buy. I'd never seen it for sale in Sheffield. I didn't know anyone apart from my teacher who knew anything about the subject. Now after several years of trial and error and spending a small fortune on rubbish I've amassed a reasonable collection of danceable material.

On these pages I hope to help you get a head start and not make the mistakes I made and hence save you money!




A list of recommended cd's that are good value for money and act as a starting point for all would be collectors and dancers.


Teaching Tracks

A list of recommended tracks for practice at home. We use the same tracks during classes.


Salsa Beat Machine

An on-line Salsa rhythm machine that lets you lets you play salsa rhythms and tunes directly from your web browser. Excellent tool for helping to work out how it all fits!


Find the Rhythm!

A Guide for Salsa Dancers by Alex Wilson & Lee Knights

We highly recommend that all of our students purchase this excellent book and CD detailing the structure and composition of Salsa music.


Where to buy

A series of links to the best places to buy Latin music from.
Primarily internet based I've successfully used all of these sources.