Salsa Music - Where

A recommended list of companies that sell Salsa music. Some are cheaper than others, some have larger stocks, some are based in the UK and so you can talk directly to the staff what they have in common is that I have successfully bought music from all of them.



Mr BongoSalsa

A UK source owned and run by Luis & Bru. CD's are reasonably priced at around £14 per cd and shipping is very reasonable. They have a large range of Latin music in stock and will make every effort to obtain anything they haven't got for you.
Their website has many track samples and basic reviews so you can 'try before you buy'. If they don't have samples of the album you're interested in they'll ring you and play it over the phone for you. They are usually in attendance at most of the large weekenders in the Country.

Payment is via Cheque, Bank Transfer or Paypal.



They have a reasonably large stock of music in a variety of styles. Their prices are good value and shipping is reasonably priced. Service has always been prompt and reliable.
They don't have reviews or sound samples so you need to know what you're buying before placing an order.
If I'm buying from the internet this is always my first point of call.

Payment is via Credit Card or Bank Transfer.



Probably the largest source of Latin music in the World!
Not the cheapest at approx. $15 plus per cd with not so cheap shipping but if they haven't got it then it must be as rare as rocking horse droppings!
Personally I think their shipping costs are a bit on the high side. Not my usual vendor but if if I can't get it anywhere else then Descarga will usually have it. BE WARNED do not pay to much heed to their recommendations. Their reviewers are not dancers/Club DJ's and they're a running joke amongst Latin music collectors.

Payment is via Credit Card.


The site carries a limited range of cd's - usually the very commercial compilations. Having said that they do carry many good compilations. Their prices are not the cheapest and delivery times can be 4 weeks or more. The sister site carries a smaller range but do supply the range of compilations on the Nascent label which includes the very worth while 'Beginners Guide to Salsa' and 'The Very Best of Salsa' compilations both of which cost under a tenner.

Payment is via Credit Card.